-The Shartak Terms of Use have been added. They're basically common sense things and shouldn't change anything about the way you play Shartak unless you're exceptionally offensive. Very shortly, you will be required to agree to them before continuing to play Shartak - hopefully you'll tick the box and stay with us.
-In short, here are the terms of use
-limited to the wiki, forum and game itself
-offensive behaviour is bad
-ideas you submit may be used to improve Shartak
-you can control which personal details (if any) are shown
-features/bugs don't have to be fixed but probably will be
-Please do take a few minutes to read the Terms of Use and as always if you have any comments or concerns please don't hesitate to contact us.
That, it is rather bad, the level of effort to put signs up, and write it in the sand all the time, to the extent as the person does, they surely can't be doing anything else in shartak. I swam around t'other day and landed up on some island/peninsula thing, as soon as I did I was out of ap. logged in next day to find the cracker had killed me, citing 'get off my island you dirty fucking nigger', which was nice. I can't remember where exactly it was, but I'd love to find him and place my apparently black testicles in his face after I've stabbed the fucking life out of him.
Yeah. We're puerile without a doubt but I wouldn't have thought many people would find us offensive. Apart from maybe whoever happens to have invoked out teabaggy wrath at any particular moment in time.
I don't think it was just 5punk. The array of offensive behavior possible in Shartak goes way beyond what 5punk does. EG, somebody possessed James to write something that I believe was a sexual reference (I'm not positive, since it contained so much slang, I had trouble interpreting it). Rather gratuitous, really. There's also the racism and foul language some players exhibit. So, yeah, I'd say it's a lot of things. Simon generally doesn't post stuff like this unless it's a consistent problem.
HodoLie was about four, six people, max. 5punkimmaturity, though is something that's universal and I hope will never diminish.
Personally, I think "12-year-old" sounds a bit grown-up for my maturity level, and that general B-Tagging, Hool-Fardy Tum-Bouching and B'Um-ing shouldn't have any offensive connotations when viewed with such a lower level of awareness.
Still, we can make our name stand out in other ways than upsetting prudish nannycops. Not that we would be that organised, just saying we could...