Runs fine on my 320mb card. Have to have textures on medium, though. Shaders, Post-Processing and Objects are on high and the framerates are decent enough.
Shada wrote:Runs fine on my 320mb card. Have to have textures on medium, though. Shaders, Post-Processing and Objects are on high and the framerates are decent enough.
Yeah same here. I just want every setting on high or higher
TezzRexx wrote:However, I am running Fista (-shields self-) and I think that might not be helping the performance. Especially seen as that on the system requirements, Fista needs 1.5 Gig just to play it, whilst XP only needs 1 gig.
Damn you Fista.
Tisk tisk. If you havent got a dx10 card, fista uses its weird fake dx9 thing, which sucks. If you do have a dx10 card, it needs moar power for making it super shiny, even though it's super shiny anyway. It's just slower on fista. They probably optimised the fista parts less, knowing most gamers are still on xp.
just had a go on it and to be honest, i wasn't dissapointed. because i got what i and everyone else was expecting. what i was expecting was something pretty (i have to play it on low and it still looks pretty good) but nothing much to it. what i wasn't really expecting was that it's just far cry made prettier. i had an enormous feeling of deja-vu when playing it, and the new functions just don't change anything to the samey experience. i didn't feel free at any given time, i couldn't even swim to the boats if i wanted to. offcourse, when you play on higher settings it could make a huge difference. i don't get the moving planty bits and other speshul things. a good-looking tech demo, and that's it. but that's just my opinion. with a game like this, only chicken's opinion counts.
Mr. Johnson wrote:i got what i and everyone else was expecting. what i was expecting was something pretty (i have to play it on low and it still looks pretty good) but nothing much to it.
Er, that's funny. I was also expecting something pretty with nothing much to it, except instead I got MAXIMUM AWESOME. I didn't like Far Cry at all, but I like this.
Shada wrote:
Er, that's funny. I was also expecting something pretty with nothing much to it, except instead I got MAXIMUM AWESOME. I didn't like Far Cry at all, but I like this.
MIkkyo wrote:
I dunno what that big word means but if its a bad thng against jocks I'll bring my skirt wearing ass down there and give you such a bumming
Where 'HARD' applies to the bumming and to show my agreement.
Did anyone else cringe at the intro sequence? A cockney called "Psycho" and a "Directed" credit. This is supposed to be a game not some lame action movie. This may have been the first impression that inspired my hatred of the game before it even started.