Being a student now of the Computer programming persuasion, I've gained access to loads of free microsoft software (Fista, server 2000, visio well basically everything back to ME). I'm thinking of getting the Buisness Fista and loading it on a partion of my HD so I can play some direct x10 games should the feeling grab me.
But anyway if you're after some particular software gimmie a shout and I'll see about getting you a free key.
mrbobbins wrote:I havn't tried Fista, could something of that persuasion be arranged?
Think I got two copies, a 64 bit and a Origonal Flavour. I'll have a proper look when I get in. Going to burn some DvD shaped flavours and look for a Volume thing that fits in a lock, or not, you know what ever.
Well, I'd not buy it yet, but a free version of Fista for a partition install could be interesting! I'll be a (part-time) student again in a year, does that count?
I think MSDN keys are usually volume license affairs. means they can be used lots, and lots.
Though ISTR that you have to do a fair bit of fucking around with volume license Fista to get it to work, Given you either need access to a license server or the toys to hand to make your own.
TezzRexx wrote:MIkkyo, is MSDN generating keys for you or do you just get one key for Fista?
Otherwise, 1 key + loads of people using it = ERRORZ
Dunno yet mate, wasn't planning on everyone using the same keys for things, just there is a massive list of programs on it that I wont use or already have if anyone wanted the key instead (like visio)