Halo 3 Initial thoughts/singleplayer review *spoilers kinda*

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Halo 3 Initial thoughts/singleplayer review *spoilers kinda*

Post by HereComesPete »

Yup, here it is, my review of halo 3 as I see it so far.

A (not very) brief synopsis-

I think that even console haters can't have missed this one, the game that sold the xbox, the sequel that doubled the sales of the xbox, and now, the final part of the trilogy, which will no doubt be said to double sales of the 360.

For those that really don't know the story-in the halo world humans are space-farers, we come into contact/conflict with a group of alien races all lead by one type of alien, this group is the covenant. The covenant believe humans to be filthy demons and try to destroy them, humans resist, badly. Humans then make super soldiers who are then destroyed, except a few, some go do other things, some are so badly injured they'll never fight again, some are whisked away by secretive types. (this is in the books) In the game, you are the last spartan, tasked with defending earth/humanity. Into this steps a super-intelligent blob of green/cream/grey goo called gravemind, the collective concious of millions of creatures eaten by an organism known as the flood. The flood devours all known life, kinda like the borg, but aren't mechanical, squishy borg if you will. This 3 way fight involves massive planet sized rings, these rings are artificially formed planets that look like a halo (with all the planet bit on the inside edge) that also house a superweapon that will destroy the flood (hence the name), drawback is, it destroys life in most of the universe to remover the floods food, it doesn't just destroy the flood. 1st game you destroy a ring to stop the extinction of man, the covenant leaders are duping the other covenant races into thinking the firing of the rings is a 'great journey' that must be undertaken, you fight. 2nd game, more of the same, new ring, more weapons bigger baddies shinier stuff, didn't really do much for the story, just stretch it a bit. 3rd and final game, the destuction of another ring in halo 2 sees a thing called 'the ark' activated, it remote detonates all the halo's, its a big ship built by the forerunners, ooh didn't mention them did I. Well, the forerunners were ancient beings, great power, scientists etc etc, fucked up, unleashed the flood, fired the rings in an act of sacrifice, sent genetic code to other side of universe for millions of years of evolution to happen, the covenant revere the forerunners and all their works, hence activating the rings is meant to lead to the forerunners. Right, the forunner command shipthe ark is on Earth! humans are the descendants of forerunners, but the covenant leaders lie and call humans beasts instead, because if everyone else knew, they'd worship us instead of melting us with fancy lasers. In 3, you finish the fight by going to another part of the galaxy, releasing a spare halo that was in the ark, firing it to destroy the flood but not killing the humans, and the elites who were covenant but are now on your side after discovering the truth, and thus ending the whole thing. bloody hell thats long (twss)

Gameplay/graphics etc
It's pretty, but I expected that, it needs a hdtv to shine 100% but its still pretty on a normal tv. The gameplay is a lot like halo, not 2, which is great, 2 feel's too arcadey, you're a super soldier, but the things you fight are thousands of crappy fodder lead by lots of super soldiers, you are nothing special to them, you feel like a swift vengeful god in 2, 1 and 3, you fuck up you die, as it should be. The pickup's/guns/levels/vehicles, all of it is well worked, given they've had forever it was expected, and does as always fall a little short of hype, but not much. The ending and length (twss) sucks total ass(twss, again), a few minutes of movie after a few hours of shiny, fuck ms and their money spinning multiplay slant and fuck bungie for shafting the fans. the control's feel a tad sluggish to me and they are set on 10(insane) so apparently I'm mental because my controller sensitivity is set to max, it's still to sluggish for me because it's not as fast as halo 2, but it's a far better multiplayer experience, but I'm not going to cover multiplayer, let me get a few thousand hours played then I can compare it to 1 and 2. Foe extra's we have marathon console's, skull collecting and the 'meta game'. The console's are from an early bungie game, marathon, you might have played it, its just depth for fans, and you might get rewarded for finding them. The skull collecting is where they have hidden a number of gold and silver skulls throughout the campaign, they actively impact on the campaign itself, gold skulls give rewards and affect the game, silver skulls affect the game. The blind skull removes hud, the fog skull removes motion sensor etc etc, it adds re-playability for non-story purposes, the skulls also affect the 'meta-game'. This 'meta-game' (they insist on ' ', dunno why, to make it seem a bit ooh la la mebbe) is where you do the campaign, and get points for headshots, squashing people, not dying, moving fast, blowing stuff up in style etc, it adds massive re-playability, you always want to be the best, the skulls give multipliers to the overall score, the famine skull takes away nearly all weapon drops from the dead, hence you find yourself smashing lots of faces and having no bullets. Stuff like this all builds the singleplayer, even if the story is a tad lite. Plus 4 player co-op, with scoring=win, letting your mate dish out loads of pain, then stealing all his kills for 90% of the points=win.

It is pretty, very pretty.
The balance of all things is nice, nothing owns a map unless you blindly attack it over and over.
The guns/vehicles/grenades/power ups are numerous and also well balanced.
The maps all feel nice.
They upped the sniping difficulty, no longer is it piss easy to headshot 4 people in a row inside 2 seconds whilst jumping up and down.
Even singleplayer has massive re-playability with the 'meta-game' and skull collecting.
4 player co-op

The ending. (watch past the credits for slightly less suck)
It's too short, I took my time on my first run through, and its about 10 hours.
The brutes are weak now, you shouldn't be able to beat a talking armour-wearing gorilla in the face with relative impunity.
The flood, argh, fuck of to xan please and stay out the way.
The change in pace/survivability will throw everyone at first (but it's not too long before it feels normal(twss))
The pointer arrow thing to show the way sucks, you get lost, it eventually turns up about 2 minutes after you got the rage. Also, it's amount of suck doubles on the last part of the last level, when you really need it to guide you.

The con's are mostly niggles, the pro's make a very balanced and enjoyable game. It should have been longer and richer story-wise, and the ending shouldn't have sucked quite as much, it would have got 1/2 a point extra from me if they had finished the story better, but I wanted a fitting end to it all, the 'meta-game' stuff is a nice surprise and makes the game play for far longer, even if you had no live, but the story should have come first dammit.

:starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starempty: 9/10
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Post by FatherJack »

It's a rather good console FPS, possibly the best on any current console. It doesn't live up to the hype, but then I wasn't expecting to be blown away either. Since my natural bias is to heavily favour the PC for the FPS genre, seeing consoles as providing worthy gaming experiences in other areas, I'll start out with a little fairness check.

To be fair...Pros
It's a console FPS, so compared to mouse and keyboard, the controls are arse. So I can't fault it for that, that decision was taken when the first game was released, as was the annoying carry-two-weapons-and-switch system. I have always found the series surprisingly easy to play, given the control system, though. Back when the first one came out I was mixing it up to decent effect on split-screen with console-only gamers new to the multiplayer experience right away.

Graphically it can't match a PC, but still it does an nice job. Good looking, but not as mind-blowing as some pre-release videos suggested. I'm playing on a standard TV, but will give it a go on my Dad's new telly sometime to compare.

To be fair...Cons
It looks better than the previous two games, but remaining fair, this can't be counted for it, as it's running on the next generation of system.

Gabe over at Penny-Arcade commented that the previous games have been poor at telling the story, and there's a link there to a huge synopsis if you're interested, although Pete's summary above is a very good and far less exhausting read. This release seems to do a bit better, the cut scenes are a bit more personal and engaging, but the bulk of the game is still mowing down hordes of enemies, with the occasional crappy hologram popping up to taunt you, Gary Breen-style. The in-HUD flashback sequences were a pain in the scrote, however. Some proper zOMG moments, though with great scenery and boss entrances.

A major criticism of the first two was the cookie-cutter approach to level design, where you would battle through seemingly endless, nearly identical rooms. This release is a huge improvement, so far at least levels have been non-uniform, unique-looking and memorable - the last being the holy grail of level design in my book.

Character design is better, but from a distance it's still a shit load of those triangle-shaped dudes with a few big dudes, same as the last ones. Sure they look super detailed and win when you get close, but if you're letting them get close - you're doing it wrong. It's worth noting that the rip-off-the-turrets-and-go-third-person feature was hugely entertaining.

Something I found hugely amusing about the first two was that the often ludicrously linear path you took through levels was explained away by the fact that the game world was a narrow strip of land inside the titular halo. Of course the strip wasn't actually meant to be narrow, as the halo was so huge. This release while remaining quite linear in terms of progression, mixes it up quite well with a lot of changes of direction and side-passages. Also it's worth noting that linear doesn't mean bad - the Half-Life series features very linear gameplay, but also the greatest.

Also fun, is the ability to choose where you sit in the vehicles - you can drive, man the cannon or ride shotgun for the most part. The CPU drivers are a bit spazzy, but it's a commendable gameplay addition nonetheless.

So, what's it better/worse than?
Well, it beats your average PC FPS and absolutely craps all over something like Black, but doesn't hold a candle to the major PC titles. Sticking to the 360, I'd rate it higher than Gears of War, but lower than BioShock, although I only played the demo of BioShock on the 360, and there were moments in the full version on PC that headshotting was critical, so that may have pissed me off on the 360 - Halo 3 has yet to piss me off at all - you seem able to do decent damage without having to be too precise.

I'd probably still put Forza 2 as the 360's flagship title, but when it comes to what I'd recommend as a second or third purchase for the system, Halo 3 would certainly get a mention.

Score : :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starfull: :starempty: :starempty: 8/10
Duke of Ted
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Post by Duke of Ted »

FatherJack wrote:Halo 3 has yet to piss me off at all
i guess you played it on normal? i'm replaying it on heroic and it's one of the most frustrating experiences of my life. I would have preffered more enemies instead of the enemies taking longer to kill and being more powerful. One shot from a plasma rifle takes away almost half of your shield.

The friendly AI is fucking annoying as well, marines often get in your line of fire and block your path.

Other than that though i agree with your reviews, i'd also give it 8/10, it's good fun. Even though i was very dissapointed with the story.
Where's the epic battle that was in the many tv adverts?

and what was the big secret that the Gravemind wanted from Cortana? did i miss something?
edit: Do you only get skulls if you play co-op? i haven't found a single one playing solo
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Post by HereComesPete »

Noes, skulls are sp, you want your first one?
finding skulls wrote:First level, the building that you get johnson from, get on the roof, tada. You want another? The underground room with the screens and with missus keyes, climb up the pipes until you get no higher, tada skull 2. I'll not give you moar.

Also the spoiler part is started in 2, its the secret of the rings, the ark and earth. He/it wants all that because he/it wants to stop it and devour all sentient life.

Also, the AI is far better than 1 and 2, expectedly so, but yes, they do occasionally just stop and die.
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Post by spoodie »

Now I've got around to playing with the multiplayer aspects and the theatre I'm beginning to understand why this game got the scores it did. Online matches are a lot of fun and being able to look back on all your matches in stat form and fully controllable video is vrey impressive. I spent quite some time yesterday getting a nice screenshot and a video clip from one match:

http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/defau ... er=spoodie
(You need Halo 3 to watch the video, in case you PCtards try)

I've not tried the Forge yet. Has anyone else played?
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Post by Chickenz »

Thought it was brilliant. Finished it on Heroic on the first night in just under seven hours - bloody brilliant!!
Dr. kitteny berk
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Post by Dr. kitteny berk »

M4niachicken wrote:Thought it was brilliant. Finished it on Heroic on the first night in just under seven hours - bloody brilliant!!
Clearly way too short though. :lol:
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Post by Chickenz »

Dr. kitteny berk wrote:
Clearly way too short though. :lol:
That was on coop and neither of us are what you could call shit at the Halo games. Legendary took a bit longer but we roped in an extra mate to help us out. I've now got all the skulls and have the super groovy Hayabusa armor for multiplayer.
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Post by spoodie »

M4niachicken wrote:Thought it was brilliant. Finished it on Heroic on the first night in just under seven hours - bloody brilliant!!
Prove it, show us the stats. :)
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Post by HereComesPete »

M4niachicken wrote:*snip*I've now got all the skulls*snip*.
Got the IWHBYD skull yet? Normally takes something ridiculous to get.
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Post by Lateralus »

spoodie wrote: Prove it, show us the stats. :)
:above: Hehe, this. :)
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Post by FatherJack »

chickenstats: http://profile.mygamercard.net/m4niachicken You might need an xbl account to follow the game links.
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Post by spoodie »

Here's his Halo 3 campaign page: http://www.bungie.net/stats/PlayerCampa ... niachicken

He's either not even played all the levels (there's nine) or he played them offline, I'm going for the former. Also he had help. Conclusion: Chicken is the suck. :ninja:
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Post by Chickenz »

spoodie wrote:Here's his Halo 3 campaign page: http://www.bungie.net/stats/PlayerCampa ... niachicken

He's either not even played all the levels (there's nine) or he played them offline, I'm going for the former. Also he had help. Conclusion: Chicken is the suck. :ninja:
Actually I said I did the game on coop with a mate. We then went back to get most of the hidden skulls whilst also playing on legendary to help a friend of my mates from down south. The levels on normal are me revisiting them to try the meta game scoring to get more gamer points. You cant get over 800 gamer points without finishing the game on legendary...so meh to you :P
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Post by spoodie »

Well I don't even know what the meta game is so :P to you.
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Post by Nicketal »

One thing that hacked me off is you don't get achievements for completing levels if you save and quit and come back half way through, meaning I have 8/10 levels completed. Which is just a LIE.

Still, top game, not really as short as I would expect, but the ending snuck up on me abit. And then theres multiplayer which is just win.
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Post by Duke of Ted »

HereComesPete wrote:Got the IWHBYD skull yet? Normally takes something ridiculous to get.
you got it yet? i got it the other day, it's fairly simple, much easier than some of the gold skulls. Not really noticed any effects with it turned on, other than a marine shouting "THIS IS SPARTA!"
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