5punk.co.uk clan

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Woo Elephant Yeah
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Joined: October 10th, 2004, 17:36
Location: Bristol, UK

5punk.co.uk clan

Post by Woo Elephant Yeah »

Guys, seeing as I'm the owner of the Shartak 5punk.co.uk clan, is there any way I can grant someone else like Berk for instance leader access?

It's entirely full of old characters and unused alt's which to be honest need a clear out, but I can't be assed (or informed enough) to know who should be pruned or not.
Tom Failur
Posts: 6
Joined: April 23rd, 2007, 20:41

Post by Tom Failur »

The only way to appoint someone else leader status is to ask Simon very nicely. There isn't an in-game feature as Simon considers too few people will gain from it and instead spends his time on features most, if not all, of the people on the island can benfit from.
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