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by buzzmong
January 16th, 2023, 14:40
Forum: General
Topic: First post of 2023!
Replies: 1
Views: 3144

Re: First post of 2023!

Keeping the forum alive!
by buzzmong
May 16th, 2022, 9:58
Forum: General
Topic: I fixed the forum
Replies: 8
Views: 6377

Re: I fixed the forum

by buzzmong
July 21st, 2018, 7:11
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie mini reviews
Replies: 901
Views: 209823

Re: Movie mini reviews

Ocean's Eight The cast are all great and do a good job. Nice little twist near the end. I felt it was lacking something during the 'setup' part of the film compared to Ocean's Eleven. On the whole, it's okay to good and I enjoyed watching it, but it really doesn't do anything new. Skyscraper The Ro...
by buzzmong
December 15th, 2017, 22:38
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie mini reviews
Replies: 901
Views: 209823

Re: Movie mini reviews

Opinions below No, you're not in a minority. Saw it last night with a group and about half of us came out with mixed feelings on it. Re: Hux: I quite like him, narf the only pantomime bit I thought was OTT was with Poe on the radio when he was on the bridge. He loathes Kylo Ren, so I'm hoping someth...
by buzzmong
July 21st, 2017, 23:08
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie mini reviews
Replies: 901
Views: 209823

Re: Movie mini reviews


It's excellent, both on a technical level, and as a vehicle for the its subject matter and the stories around it.

Chris Nolan deserves and hopefully will earn an Oscar for this.

Watch in IMAX only.

by buzzmong
July 20th, 2017, 20:48
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Blood Bowl 2
Replies: 24
Views: 11001

Re: Blood Bowl 2

So, BB2 LE edition is out the near future . Discount for existing owners (it's treated as DLC), and includes all the existing races + Gobbos (PANTSU!) and Halflings, some new star players, a Khemri stadium plus other bits. Cyanide/GW decided to announce it on Steam with the following gif: http://ima...
by buzzmong
July 2nd, 2017, 16:59
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie mini reviews
Replies: 901
Views: 209823

Re: Movie mini reviews

Baby Driver

It's very slick, a rather good film and one I very much enjoyed. Please go watch.

Easily a solid 8/10
by buzzmong
May 28th, 2017, 22:19
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie mini reviews
Replies: 901
Views: 209823

Re: Movie mini reviews

Been on a cinema spree again. Alien: Covenant I'm on the fence with this. Prometheus was interesting, if having a few stupid plot devices which impacted the film negatively, whereas this has a few good points but generally seems like not a lot of thought went into the plot. Quite a few things done b...
by buzzmong
May 8th, 2017, 21:03
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie Trailers
Replies: 1483
Views: 220747

Re: Movie Trailers

Looks promising. Can't decide if was a bit too spoilery though, it certainly hinted very strongly at a couple of things.
by buzzmong
April 30th, 2017, 21:32
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie mini reviews
Replies: 901
Views: 209823

Re: Movie mini reviews

Roman Totale wrote:Lots of after credits scenes too (5 I think?).
5 in total, but they're mixed with the credits which is a nice change.

I concur, it be good!
by buzzmong
April 14th, 2017, 19:02
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie Trailers
Replies: 1483
Views: 220747

Re: Movie Trailers

by buzzmong
March 30th, 2017, 20:43
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie mini reviews
Replies: 901
Views: 209823

Re: Movie mini reviews

Ghost In The Shell (2017) It's actually decent. Worth a watch and as visually it is spot on and does exactly what it needed to do, it is best seeing in IMAX form. As a film it falls somewhere between a remake and a reimagining of the original. Takes the characters, themes and (at a very abstract le...
by buzzmong
March 29th, 2017, 19:38
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie Trailers
Replies: 1483
Views: 220747

Re: Movie Trailers

No Tim Curry, no dice.
by buzzmong
March 24th, 2017, 23:53
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie mini reviews
Replies: 901
Views: 209823

Re: Movie mini reviews

Power Rangers (2017) It's not great, but it's not actually massively terrible. It doesn't fall into the "so bad it's good" territory because it's got some redeeming qualities. It is basically a big screen version of the early 90's series, cheesiness and all, just tarted up and given the H...
by buzzmong
March 18th, 2017, 0:33
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Recommended Reading
Replies: 168
Views: 69028

Re: Recommended Reading

Altered Carbon A re-read. Read this when it first came out - I have it in some sort of weird hybrid hardback/paperback copy. Read it again as they're making a Netflix series about it. Mix of gritty detective novel and violent sci-fi. It's good, but it's not particularly deep. At times it feels auth...
by buzzmong
March 15th, 2017, 20:43
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie mini reviews
Replies: 901
Views: 209823

Re: Movie mini reviews

by buzzmong
March 15th, 2017, 19:45
Forum: Game Reviews
Topic: Mini Reviews
Replies: 310
Views: 114334

Re: Mini Reviews

It's still only £6.99 at full price :) That said, I'd definitely wait to see what happens on the 23rd when Afgan' '11 launches.
by buzzmong
March 15th, 2017, 12:30
Forum: Game Reviews
Topic: Mini Reviews
Replies: 310
Views: 114334

Re: Mini Reviews

Vietnam '65 Hex based wargame, based around winning the Hearts and Minds of the villages in a randomised section of La Drang valley over a set number of turns (45 on Normal). You do this by having your infantry units visit the villages to try and get intel, and acting upon it, along with the occasi...
by buzzmong
March 2nd, 2017, 0:21
Forum: Entertainment
Topic: Movie mini reviews
Replies: 901
Views: 209823

Re: Movie mini reviews

Logan It's good. It's a much more serious film than most Marvel affairs and is quite a good send off for Hugh Jackman's Wolverine and Sir Patrick Stewart's Xavier. Don't watch the trailers if you haven't already seen them though, they give away quite a bit. Oh, and unusually there's no post credits...
by buzzmong
February 16th, 2017, 23:44
Forum: General Gaming
Topic: Necromunda
Replies: 6
Views: 4900

Re: Necromunda

I did see you playing it and was wondering what you'd make of it. Concur with your points, the working strategy for Mordheim is to have your gang try and single out members of the opposing gang and flatten them, rather than go mano-a-mano in general. The fact it's not a bad system overall means it's...