Kill Team and Blood Bowl I at least have fieldable models for. I'm going to struggle to get my 40k army done in time (damn you late release CSM codex).
Might bring Hero Quest. Doubt we'll find the time among all the other stuff, but I was planning on taking it up north to play with the kids.
Search found 19386 matches
- July 31st, 2022, 20:16
- Forum: LAN Party
- Topic: Nutbash 2022
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9929
- July 31st, 2022, 13:36
- Forum: LAN Party
- Topic: Nutbash 2022
- Replies: 5
- Views: 9929
Re: Nutbash 2022
I'm about 70% confirmed to make a few nights.
- April 17th, 2018, 16:17
- Forum: General Gaming
- Topic: Hexcells Infinite
- Replies: 1459
- Views: 247084
- December 31st, 2017, 18:23
- Forum: Entertainment
- Topic: Movie mini reviews
- Replies: 901
- Views: 209825
Re: Movie mini reviews
Pretty much agreed with Roman and Buzz, although the bad points mentioned were easier to overlook for me. For the first half of the film I was most annoyed by the constant character switching. The Rebel officer who starts to brief them after Leia does her daft Superman routine, who then immediately ...
- September 7th, 2017, 16:59
- Forum: Beards
- Topic: Jooses Space Marine Chapter Thoughts
- Replies: 1
- Views: 10748
Re: Jooses Space Marine Chapter Thoughts
Thematically your description is very similar to Dark Angels, so that would be the obvious choice. As you said though, statistically it could have been any chapter who discovered them and used them as a successor chapter. I don't know how bigmarine creation works, so I don't know if the chapter they...
- August 31st, 2017, 16:06
- Forum: General Gaming
- Topic: Destiny Lore 101
- Replies: 1
- Views: 3694
Re: Destiny Lore 101
Cheers Joose! At least I know now why they're all so bothered about a massive floating ping-pong ball. That did confuse me.
- August 30th, 2017, 16:01
- Forum: Entertainment
- Topic: Recommended Reading
- Replies: 168
- Views: 69028
Re: Recommended Reading
That poem doesn't rhyme. And you can get porn like that.
- August 9th, 2017, 10:20
- Forum: Beards
- Topic: 40k 8th Ed House Rules
- Replies: 2
- Views: 3742
Re: 40k 8th Ed House Rules
I've seen both of these addressed on BoLS at various points. Charging - You can intermingle units, so this has definitely been discussed as a tactic and is known. I think what you're missing is that you're not limited to only charging one unit. Yes, you can't end your turn less than 1" from a u...
- July 21st, 2017, 15:23
- Forum: General Gaming
- Topic: Blood Bowl 2
- Replies: 24
- Views: 11001
Re: Blood Bowl 2
Why not just call it a DLC pack? Strange.
- July 21st, 2017, 15:22
- Forum: Entertainment
- Topic: Movie Trailers
- Replies: 1483
- Views: 220747
Re: Movie Trailers
A bit? If someone told me that was Shadowrun: The Movie I'd have believed it. Apart from it being modern day.
- May 30th, 2017, 20:22
- Forum: Entertainment
- Topic: New season talk type thread thing.
- Replies: 1341
- Views: 219421
Re: New season talk type thread thing.
Turn the sound down and put in some muzak.
- May 23rd, 2017, 16:56
- Forum: Shooters
- Replies: 2
- Views: 10927
Bali might have mentioned it once or twice...
- May 9th, 2017, 17:08
- Forum: Entertainment
- Topic: Movie mini reviews
- Replies: 901
- Views: 209825
Re: Movie mini reviews
Carrying on the cowboy theme: Bone Tomahawk Cowboys and cannibals. It has few redeeming features, a plot as shallow as a goldpan, and chronic inverse ninja. I finished it, but it was mostly out of morbid curiosity. Moving on. Total Recall (2012) I seem to remember it got fairly panned, and that seem...
- May 2nd, 2017, 17:30
- Forum: Entertainment
- Topic: Movie mini reviews
- Replies: 901
- Views: 209825
Re: Movie mini reviews
I've been on a cowboy bender recently, and I don't mean Brokeback Mountain (although I have seen that). Cowboys & Aliens I was put off this for ages by its utterly shit name. It's actually perfectly fine. The plot is a bit cheese and jam - it shouldn't work, and to be honest it doesn't really, b...
- March 31st, 2017, 17:08
- Forum: Entertainment
- Topic: Movie mini reviews
- Replies: 901
- Views: 209825
Re: Movie mini reviews
Hooray! I want to enjoy it because I quite liked the theme and any time spent with Scarlett Johansson in sight is good time.
- March 30th, 2017, 16:29
- Forum: Entertainment
- Topic: Movie Trailers
- Replies: 1483
- Views: 220747
Re: Movie Trailers
Looks okay, but is it me or was the music twice as loud as the speech? I couldn't hear a thing they said.
- March 24th, 2017, 20:28
- Forum: Entertainment
- Topic: Movie mini reviews
- Replies: 901
- Views: 209825
Re: Movie mini reviews
Chappie It's taken me a while to get round to seeing this, but it just appeared on Netflix and I remember liking the look of the trailers. I wasn't disappointed. It isn't quite what I expected - I thought it was going to be like Short Circuit, AI, etc. Robot comes to life, is misunderstood, makes s...
- March 16th, 2017, 7:35
- Forum: Entertainment
- Topic: Movie mini reviews
- Replies: 901
- Views: 209825
- March 15th, 2017, 17:12
- Forum: Game Reviews
- Topic: Mini Reviews
- Replies: 310
- Views: 114335
Re: Mini Reviews
I liked the look of that, but Slitherine games are always really expensive. If I'd had it on my wish list maybe I'd have picked it up 

- March 5th, 2017, 21:41
- Forum: General
- Topic: Geekfood Mk2.
- Replies: 978
- Views: 305675
Re: Geekfood Mk2.
Loving the retro wallpaper.